It was missing a piece and it was not happy ……
And as it rolled
It sang this song :
"Oh, im looking for my missing piece…."
One time it seemed to have found
The perfect piece
But it didn't hold it tightly enough
And lost it !
Another time
It held too tightly
And it broke !
So on , and it rolled
Having adventures
Falling in to the holes
And bumping in to stone walls
And one day it came upon
Another piece that seemed to be just right……..
Hummmm, it fit ,
It fit perfectly. At last ! at last !
And away it rolled
And because it was now complete,
It rolled faster and faster
Faster than it had ever rolled before……….. ..
Oh my, that it was complete,
It could not sing at all
"Ah", it thought…..
so it stopped rolling
and it set the piece down gently
and slowly rolled away
and as it rolled it softly sang
"Oh, im looking for my missing piece !!!!"